Sports Scholarships and Funding
Sports Scholarships are awarded on a case by case basis to both U.K. and International students. Scholarships students can recieve up to £10,000 in funding and receive additional services such as dedicated physiotherapy and sports massage, athlete workshops and sports science support. To be eligible, you must:
have achieved senior or age group representative honours at national and/or regional level in the last 12 months, and/or
be a member of the National Governing Body’s (NGB) performance squads, or equivalent
Further information can be found here
“I chose to go to Newcastle University as I wanted to be able to experience a competitive rowing program coupled with some of the best teaching facilities in the UK. The city and campus itself is so beautiful and student friendly its hard not to feel at home straight away and being part of such a special boat club alongside that really helps feel settled away from home. I was interested in NUBC’s program in particular because it was different to anything I had ever attempted. I wanted to push my limits in training, physically and mentally and after three years of rowing there I can confidently say that I left not only a better rower but with friendships and experiences I will always treasure.”
Lola Anderson, HWR Winner, BUCS Winner & U23 World Champion
“Newcastle University, as a Russell Group University, offers world class education whilst providing fantastic sporting facilities. The boat club has allowed myself to develop close relationships with people that will last a lifetime. Moreover, Newcastle provides a balance between a student's studies and Sporting career to perform in both aspects of life. The club will facilitate your needs, whether that be International success or finishing a race as a Novice. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Newcastle boat club and would do it again in a heart beat.”