Keep connected, attend our events and contribute to NUBC’s future
Blue Star Club is the official alumni boat club of Newcastle University, and NUBC prides itself on credibly having the best alumni rowing club in the UK. It offers alumni a flag to row together, and a lasting connection to the NUBC community. Furthermore, it contributes to NUBC through its Foundation and offers alumni active in the Newcastle area the opportunity to use NUBC facilities to row on the River Tyne.
Our Events
In addition to our social events such as Jim London and Blue Star Dinner, we compete regularly at races such as Rutherford Head, Henley Town and Visitors, Henley Royal Regatta and Trinity Regatta in Ireland. In October 2019, the Club was able to field three alumni 8s at the Head of the Charles Regatta in Boston, USA. The Club hopes to further grow and develop the new category of alumni racing within the UK.
The Club is run informally and any NUBC alumni are welcome to get involved and race. Crews tend to be self-organising and self-funded, borrowing boats from other clubs for specific races.
The Committee
The Club is run informally and any NUBC alumni are welcome to get involved and race. Crews tend to be self-organising and self-funded, borrowing boats from other clubs for specific races. The Club is governed according to its Constitution and is managed by its Committee which is elected at our annual AGMs. For more information about Blue Star Club please contact Charles Barry, Club Secretary via secretary@bluestarclub.co.uk and subscribe to the alumni mailing list or contact the Club Secretary.
The current Committee, elected at the 2023 AGM, is:
President – Stan Cannons
Vice President – Kat Bulmer
Treasurer – Roshni Polé
Secretary – Rob Fuller
Women's Captain - Emily Strange
Women’s Vice Captain - Charlie Dobson
Men's Captain - Harry Fraser-Urquart
Publicity Officer - James Rudkin
Career Officer - James Robson
Trustees: Charles Barry, Dan Innes, Rob Fuller, Roshni Polé, Barnaby Stroud-Turp, Stan Cannons and Fergus Mainland