Newcastle hosted BUCS Head which took place last weekend on the Tyne which saw the senior squad racing on Saturday and the Novice squad racing on Sunday.

Division 1 on Saturday saw the Womens squad in 8’s and the mens squad in fours. The results are as follows:

W Champ 8+ : 3rd, 

W Inter 8+ : 1st, 7th, 23rd

M Champ 4- : 3rd, 5th

M Champ Lwt 4- : 2nd

M Champ 4+ : 4th

M Inter 4+ : 3rd, 10th

In Division 2 it was the boys turn to race the 8s with the girls stepping into 4s and quads. The results for division 2 are as follows:

M Champ 8+ : 4th

M Inter 8+ : 7th, 8th, 11th

W Champ 4x : 1st

W Inter 4x : 2nd, 10th

W champ 4- : 2nd

W Inter 4+ : 3rd, 26th

Sunday saw the novice girls racing in the same lineup as they raced in on Saturday in the Beginner 4+ in which they came away with a 11th place finish.

The weekends racing culminated in Newcastle finishing second in the BUCS Head VL, building strong foundations for the season as the women’s squad look on to WeHORR while the men aim to progress into the HORR which takes place on the tideway.




Tyne New Years Head